I-GON has proved its worth in the removal of iron and manganese deposits but we have always recognised that it can be a messy job feeding the crystalline powder past the wellhead into a borehole already containing the rising main, power cable and dip tube ( etc.). The Injection / Flushing System has been developed to simplify the task by enabling the user to feed I-GON into an open-top vessel where a flow of water will dissolve and circulate it down into the well.
A 1” feed is taken from the borehole manifold and fed tangentially into the side of the tank while the bottom tank outlet is fed back down the borehole through another 1” PVC hose. As the water enters the side of the tank it forms a vortex which quickly mixes in the I-GON ( added, gradually, through the open top ) and carries it down the well. (The tank will naturally empty at about 6m³/h so for higher rate pumps the flow must either be throttled or a portion of the flow directed straight back into the borehole.)
Once the I-GON dose has been added the water is left to circulate through the tank where the effects of the treatment can easily be seen. The system can also be used to take samples during the final discharge to waste stage and to observe the rate of water clarification during pump out.
It is a very clean, safe and efficient system.
No clogging of powder in the borehole nor spillage over the head works.
I-GON can be quickly & easily added to the tank.
Durable tank light and easy to handle.
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